Maths Craft in the Press


Maths Craft New Zealand was featured as a “Capability building case study” in a report written for the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor entitled “Mission-led science communication and engagement”.

Dr Jeanette McLeod and Dr Phil Wilson wrote an article about how Maths Craft has influenced teaching and research at the University of Canterbury, featured in the August 2024 NZMS Newsletter.



Dr Jeanette McLeod was interviewed by Jesse Mulligan on Radio New Zealand (RNZ) about the launch of Maths Craft in a Box and the role of creativity in mathematics.


An article about Maths Craft, discussing our story and impact, along with Maths Craft in a Box, featured in the 2021 Annual Report (pages 2-3) from the University of Canterbury Foundation.


Maths Craft in a Box was given a double-page spread in a recent annual report from one of our key sponsors, Te Pūnaha Matatini.


Maths Craft appeared twice on Radio New Zealand (RNZ) in Afternoons with Jesse Mulligan and Our Changing World.

The Christchurch Maths Craft Day featured in a piece on Newshub on both TV channel Three and online, including interviews with Maths Craft’s Dr Jeanette McLeod and Dr David Pomeroy.

Dr Jeanette McLeod was interviewed for a Nature feature about the role of art and creativity in science.

Maths Craft New Zealand featured in Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Annual Report 2020—2021 on page 30.


Maths Craft was featured in the July edition of the Education Gazette. The article discusses the origin of Maths Craft and how we bring maths to the masses through craft.

A profile about Maths Craft, talking about our inception, story, and impact, is featured in the latest edition of the NZMS Newsletter (pages 16-17), written by Prof Shaun Hendy of the University of Auckland and Te Pūnaha Matatini.


An article from Maths Craft was featured in the latest issue of Connected. This article takes a playful, creative approach to mathematics, guiding readers through craft activities that let them explore the properties of Möbius strips and mathematical knots. The article is available online - follow the link and click on “Google Slides” to view the article and then download it, or click on the other links to view the additional support material.

The Cranwell Medal: Dr Jeanette McLeod and Dr Phil Wilson won the 2019 New Zealand Association of Scientists Cranwell Medal for Science Communication for their work with Maths Craft; they are the first mathematicians to win this medal. Their achievement is mentioned in the Te Punaha Matatini news, the University of Canterbury news, and on Live News.

The SCANZ Excellence in Science Communication Award: Dr Jeanette McLeod and Dr Phil Wilson were 2019 finalists for the SCANZ Excellence in Science Communication Award for their work with Maths Craft. The SCANZ Award is presented to any individual or team that have undertaken a science communication project and can demonstrate its success.

A feature on the Martinborough Maths Craft Day appeared on the front page of the Martinborough Star in May 2019.

Maths Craft New Zealand featured in Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Annual Report 2019 on pages 22 and 23.


The April 2018 issue of the New Zealand Mathematical Society (NZMS) newsletter mentions Maths Craft on page 20 and features the Dunedin Maths Craft Day on pages 24-25. 

An article about the Dunedin Maths Craft Day appeared in the Otago Daily Times on 12 February 2018.

Jeanette was interviewed about the upcoming Dunedin Maths Craft Day on the OARsome Morning Show with Jeff Harford on Otago Access Radio on 17/1/18. 

Maths Craft New Zealand featured in Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Annual Report 2018 on page 36.



Curious Minds wrote an article about the 2017 Maths Craft Festival and featured it on their website on 9/11/2017.

The Christchurch Maths Craft Day appeared in a piece on One News on 18/6/17, which included interviews with Phil and Jeanette. 

Maths Craft NZ and our Unlocking Curious Minds grant were featured in the University of Canterbury’s Chronicle magazine.

Maths Craft and our Unlocking Curious Minds grant featured in the April NZMS newsletter on pages 20, 22-23, and 31-32, and the Christchurch Maths Craft Day was featured in the August newsletter on page 21. 

Jeanette was interviewed about Maths Craft by Jesse Mulligan on RNZ National’s Afternoons show on 2/3/17. Following this, RNZ made a page about Maths Craft, with quotes from the show and a link to the audio.

Jeanette was interviewed about Maths Craft by Luke Weston on Rhema Radio’s Mornings with Luke on 2/3/17.

The University of Canterbury Communications team put out a press release about Maths Craft and the award of the MBIE Unlocking Curious Minds grant. The UC press release also appeared on ScoopVoxy, and Wellington Today.

StarMedia made a video interview with Sarah and Phil about Maths Craft. Unfortunately, this video is no longer available.

Maths Craft headlined Intercom, the University Of Canterbury weekly Newsletter to staff.

The Science Learning Hub lists our flagship Auckland event.

Maths Craft New Zealand featured in Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Annual Report 2017 on page 26.


After the 2016 Maths Craft Festival, Jeanette wrote a blog entry for Te Punaha Matatini’s Investigators’ Blog.

The Maths Craft Festival 2016 appeared in a Will Hine piece on One News on 4/9/16, which included an interview with Phil.

The story of Maths Craft, with quotes from Jeanette, Julia, and Phil in the run up to the 2016 Festival appeared in Te Waha Nui, the student journalism newsletter of Auckland University of Technology on 2/9/16.

The 2016 Maths Craft festival was featured in the August NZMS newsletter on page 32. 

Christchurch mail logo

Maths Craft went to the Great New Zealand Design show, and was featured in the Christchurch Mail on 25/8/16.

Jeanette and Phil wrote an article for The Wheel, the magazine of Ashford Handicrafts, who kindly supplied us with yarn for our Festival in 2016. Details of how to obtain the full magazine can be found on the Ashford website.

Maths Craft New Zealand featured in Te Pūnaha Matatini’s Annual Report 2016 on page 24.